Mental Health Program - YES (Youth Empowerment Services)
Suicide Prevention - FREE Online Training
Student Health and Insurance Forms
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Out of District Annual Enrollment Application
Educational Websites for Learning at Home
Chromebook Handbook & User Agreement
Educational Websites for Learning at Home
Click below on the colored links below to access some great educational websites!
(Most of these websites are free, some are free with the option to pay for an upgrade, and some require a paid membership.)
ABC Mouse - Grades Pre-K - 2. (Paid Subscription)
Adventure Academy - Grades 3 - 6. (Paid Subscription)
Reading IQ - Grades Pre-K - 6. (Paid Subscription)
Art Hub for Kids - All ages. YouTube Channel with step by step drawing lessons for kids.
Audible - An Amazon Company. Stream stories that are read aloud. (Paid Subscription)
GoNoodle - "Brain Break" Kid's Workouts / Energy Burners - Count this as P.E.!
Great Schools - Grades Pre-K - 5. Free printable work sheets for math, reading, science, writing.
Fiscal Tiger - Grades Pre-K - High School. Lists several different websites and apps that teach about money.
Fun Brain - Grades Pre-K - 8. Games to enhance math and reading skills.
Highlights - From the Highlights Kids magazines. Games, activities, stories, and more!
Kids National Geographic - Games, videos, exploring animals, and more!
PBS Kids - Games, activities, stories, and more with all of the characters from the shows on PBS TV.
Prodigy Math - Grades 1 - 8. Learn and practice math skills while playing games.
Ranger Rick Magazine - National Wildlife Federation. Wildlife videos, outdoor activity ideas, games, and more.
Scholastic - Day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing. (Paid Subscription)
Seussville - Games & activities for younger kids with more resources in the parents & educators sections.
Starfall - Grades Pre-K - 3. Reading, math, and language arts. (Free Limited or Paid Subscription)
SwitchZoo - Animal games for kids. or Typing Club - Free beginner typing lessons and typing games.
Virtual Field Trips - A list of links for virtual field trips compiled by a teacher for her students.
Xtra Math - Helping kids master math facts. Click on "Get Started for Parents" to set-up your child's free account.