Resolution to Establish Mastery-Based Education 

Whereas, Idaho Code §33-1632: Mastery-based Education states that "mastery-based education where students progress as they demonstrate mastery of a subject or grade level is in the best interest of Idaho students;" 

Whereas, Idaho Administrative Code I08.02.03 Section 105.01b: states that “notwithstanding the credit definition of Subsection 105.01.a., a student may also achieve State Board of Education Rules Governing credits by demonstrating mastery of a subject’s content standards as defined and approved by the local school district or LEA;” 

Whereas the prolonged closure of schools pursuant to directives issued by the State Board of Education will reduce the minimum instructional hours for students below the minimums required in state law and administrative code; 

The West Jefferson #253 Board of Trustees hereby directs the Superintendent to develop and implement a mastery-based system for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year to award credit and grade-promotion based on students’ attainment of essential outcomes for each course and grade-level based on the following expectations: 

  1. In grade-level or content-area teams, teachers are to collaboratively identify the most essential outcomes for each course. 

    1. These should consist of 2 to 4 essential outcomes for each course. 

    2. At the elementary level, essential outcomes should be limited to math and ELA standards; however, English Language Arts learning activities should include content from science and social studies as appropriate. 

  2. In grade-level or content-area teams, teachers are directed to develop common formative assessments for each essential standard. 

  3. Teachers may permit students to complete learning activities and assessments at their own pace to demonstrate proficiency in each essential standard. 

  4. Teachers are directed to provide additional time, instruction, and support to students who are not able to demonstrate proficiency on the essential standards. To the extent practicable, teachers are encouraged to provide extended learning activities to students who have demonstrated proficiency to continue their learning to extend beyond a basic level of proficiency. Extended learning activities should be clearly identified for parents and students. 

  5. Students will show proficiency in an essential outcome through the completion of assigned activities, common formative assessments, assignment rubrics and checks for understanding.   

  6. Teacher teams are encouraged to use shorter-cycle unit assessments to evaluate students’ achievement of proficiency of essential standards. If teacher teams elect to use End of Course Assessments (ECAs) as part of their summative evaluation of students’ proficiency, the ECAs must be given no later than May 21, 2020. Students who are not able to demonstrate proficiency on any essential standard on the ECA must be given additional time and support to learn and demonstrate proficiency on those essential standards. 

  7. Teachers are expected to use the following grading scale for common formative assessments and final grades for this trimester. Teachers should follow the sponsoring university's policies for reporting grades for dual credit classes for college transcripts. 

Grade Descriptor Explanation 

( I ) Insufficient - There is insufficient evidence that the student has attained at least a proficient level of understanding of the essential course outcomes. The student will need to be provided additional time and support to attain proficiency. 

( P ) Proficient - There is sufficient evidence that the student has attained at least a proficient level of understanding of essential course outcomes. 

  1. Due to the inequitable access to support and instruction created by the closure of schools and compulsory participation in remote learning, no grades from the 3rd trimester will be included in students’ cumulative GPA calculations. 

  2. Once a student has shown mastery or proficiency for the essential outcomes for this trimester, they will be considered to have met the learning objectives for this trimester. 

High school transcripts will include the following statement: “Due to school closures from the COVID-19 pandemic, all grades awarded during Trimester 3 of the 2019-2020 school year were limited to either “Passing” or “Insufficient” grades only.”