March 22, 2024
It's everything West Jefferson, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download our app! Download for Android https://bit.ly/3ZxilYb Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3CJHKE...

April 24, 2024
On Saturday, December 2nd, 2023, the West Jefferson’s 1974 Boys Basketball Team was honored at a special team dinner and pregame festivities at West Jefferson High School. This ye...

May 23, 2023
Mr. Hall's Fly Tying class was able to put their skills to the test during a Field Trip to Hayden Creek Pond near Salmon, ID. The weather was great and the students had a lot of ...

February 26, 2023
Our Girls' Basketball Team went into districts ranked #4 in our conference. We lost to Firth 33-44 in the first game, beat Salmon 48-35 in the second game, and then finished the s...
February 6, 2023
Our faculty members were such good sports to partipate in the dance-off tonight with our cheerleaders! Great job!
In order of appearance: Cory Hall, Chery Murdock, Loreli Bla...

February 2, 2023
Representatives from the American Legion will be at West Jefferson High School on February 20th, at 11:45am, to speak with Juniors about the Boys and Girls State, in the HS Audito...

February 1, 2023
The deadline for students to submit the Idaho Opportunity Scholarship is rapidly approaching! The Idaho Opportunity Scholarship awards a maximum of $3,500 to eligible students an...

January 31, 2023
Juniors and Seniors will be testing on February 7, 2023. The Juniors will be taking the ASVAB from 8am - 10am in the ALC Gym. The Seniors will be taking a CTE exam during 4th ho...
January 31, 2023
On Tuesday, Jan. 31st, West J will host the HS Girls Basketball District Tournament. Our Lady Panthers will play Salmon at 7:00pm.
Because it is a district tournament game, our...

January 31, 2023
A CEI Scholarship Application Assistance meeting will be held on February 9th from 1pm - 6pm, in BLDG. 5, 508, at the College of Eastern Idaho. You do not need to be enrolled as a...

January 31, 2023
Wed. Feb. 1 is SENIOR NIGHT for our wrestlers! Come support our wrestlers and then stay after the regular matches for some Alumni Wrestling under the blacklights!
Thank you to ...

January 30, 2023
Heather Hansen, a Health Education Specialist from Eastern Idaho Public Health, came and presented a very educational assembly for our high school students and then another assemb...

January 30, 2023
On Veteran's Day in November, we announced the essay winners from our Local VFW Post essay contest. Those winners' essays went on to the District level. Today, December 10th, Dist...

January 30, 2023
Today we are sharing another remodel project thanks to the patrons of our West Jefferson area who voted in favor of our school bond.
With the wonderful success of our theater p...